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Fig-O-Honey reusable cloth diapers

Drying cloth diapers

You have taken a smart decision for life by choosing to use cloth diapers for your baby, you have already taken a winning step. The economy of using a cloth pocket diaper like Fig-o-honey towards your pocket and the environment is immense. The washing and maintenance of cloth diapers is a chore but it soon becomes a routine and the few minutes that it takes is worth the trouble.

The trick to dry and soft cloth diapers

Diapers are meant to be washed gently in warm water, without the use of harsh detergents, fabric softeners or detergent bars. The gentle wash increases the life of the cloth diaper. The diaper needs to be dried in the right manner to get a soft, odour free and clean diaper.

  • The best way to dry a cloth diaper is to air dry in in the sun. The sunlight acts as a natural deodorant and bleach. Fading out the stains and keeping the diaper fresh and natural.
  • The diaper should be never wrung out very hard as that could damage the elastic and snaps. A gentle squeeze to remove the excess water and a smart shake out to keep the fibres supple can ensure a uniformly dry and soft diaper.
  • The diaper needs a placement to dry them back to back. This helps in flexing the natural fibres in the diaper. The breeze blows the diapers against each other and also around the drying line, making for clean, dry and soft diapers.
  • The cloth diapers need a good rub against each other when dry to achieve the same result. The gentle scrunching ends up softening the air dried diapers.
  • If you do not have the space or time to dry the cloth diapers in the sun, or it is simply pouring with rain, do not despair. Just tumble dry them on low heat or warm mode.
  • A good idea would be to add dryer beads or woollen dryer balls (DIY works fine). This reduces the static, softens dry diapers and even reduces electricity usage.

The diapers need gentle care to make them last a long time. Drying on low heat and air drying keeps the elastic, leg and waist both supple and strong. The diapers remain absorbent and stain free. Hot water in the wash cycle damages diapers, so does a hot dryer mode. A hot dryer may cause loose elastic and distorted snap buttons. It is always advisable to run a warm wash and a low tumble dry to keep diapers in fine fettle.

A carefully maintained diaper from Fig-o-honey can fit your child from infancy to the culmination of her toilet training years. In all probability it will last to keep your little one diapered too!